Soumya Pallebothula
6 min readJan 7, 2021




Basically we use IP address in many streams the general example is our PC has an IP address ,..Yet, even though the IP address is part of our everyday, ordinary lives, there is nothing “unordinary” about the way it all comes about. The details of an IP address and all the technology behind it is important mostly to IT guys, the Internet Technology experts who connect computers at your work or who design the networking hardware and software for your computers...

now let’s know what exactly IP address and how it is technically defined..

IP address is a number ,it is used to label any device connected to a network on which IP is used as the medium for communication. I P address gives devices on IP networks their own identities so they find each other..

Versions of IP Address are:

  1. IPv4
  2. IPv6

IPv4 addresses are written in four parts separated by dots like this:

They have different formats, the major difference between them being that it’s possible to create vastly more unique IPv6 addresses (2 POWER 128) than IPv4 addresses (2 POWER 32).

IPv4 address uses 32 bits where as IPv6 uses 128 bits.

Each part written in conventional Base 10 numerals represents an eight-bit binary number from 0 to 255.Each of these four numbers separated by dots is written in standard decimal notation. But computers fundamentally deal with numbers in binary (using just zeroes and ones, and each of the numbers in an IPv4 address represents an 8-bit binary number, which means that none of them can be higher than 255 (111111 in binary).

The newer version of the protocol, IPv6, is slowly displacing IPv4, and its addressing looks like this:


Note that instead of four numbers, there are eight, and they’re separated by colons rather than commas. And yes, they are all numbers. There are letters in there because IPv6 addresses are written in hexadecimal (Base 16) notation, which means 16 different symbols are required to uniquely represent Base 10 numbers 1–16. The ones used are numerals 0–9 plus letters A-F. Each of these numbers represents a 16-bit binary number, and the difference between that the 8-bit components of an IPv4 address is the main reason for IPv6’s existence.

How are IP addresses assigned?

IP address can be assigned in Static or dynamic..

Static IP and Dynamic IP

  1. Static address is assigned by ISP(Internet Service Provider) to a device and IP address remains constant in this case…until we want it remains constant.
  2. Static IP addresses are important for devices that need to be easily found on the internet, like web servers or gaming servers. Generally speaking, an ISP will charge a customer extra for an assigned static IP address.
  3. For IPv4 networks, the process of assigning IP addresses dynamically is governed by the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol(DHCP), which, among other things, automates most of the process and ensures that no two devices are assigned the same address at the same time.

Public IP Vs Private IP


Subnetting is the process of stealing bits from the HOST part of an IP address in order to divide the larger network into smaller sub-networks called subnets. After subnetting, we end up with NETWORK SUBNET HOST fields.

why it is used?

Subnetting limits the IP address usage to within a few devices. This allows an engineer to use subnetting to create sub-networks, sorting data so that it can travel without touching every part of the more complex routers. … A subnet mask creates the tool which enables a router to match an IP address with a sub-network

Cloud Formation to create EC2 server

We can create Ec2 server using Cloud Formation by creating a template ,by designing etc.. here we are creating using YAML file. Basically the cloud formation to create Ec2 server can be done easily by following the particular steps:

  1. Basic thing is you have to create the template :

You have to create a YAML file using Visual Studio or any other source. Before that you have to create a folder in MY PC section and then open the Visual Studio->file->open folder->choose the folder you have created->and write the below code(code can be accessed only if region is N. Virginia in AWS console).(image id vary according to the location).Spaces and syntax play vital role while writing the code.

2.After writing the YAML code in the visual studio save the YAML file.

3.Now open the Ec2 console and search for the Cloud Formation.

4.Next go the cloud formation you can find the create stack option there on it and you can find 2 options there and get selected with the with new resources(standard).

5.After completion of 4th step you can a new page opened and select the upload file there and choose the file you have saved (from the folder you created earlier) and click on next.

6.After uploading the template you get the page to fill Specify Stack details and then go the next tab ..

7.Afrer completing the 6th step you can find this page on your screen and then scroll down and click on next..

8.After completing the 7th step you will the page displayed as review stack details then at the bottom of the page you can find create stack.. click on that button..

9.After completing the 8th step will the page as follows:

wait until the process complete.. if it is created then you can see that CREATE-COMPLETE.. so now we have created a template and deployed ..and created a stack and we completed the process till here.. lets check that instances are running or not…go to the ec2 and check the instances..

Yeah.. now we can see that instance has been created..

That’s the complete process of cloud formation to create ec2 server.

In the same way by using the below YAML code we can attach the EBS Volumes:

and further follow same processes that we have used for the Ec2 sever..

Thank you!



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